Rapid Transition to PLM Software for a Large Wind Turbine Manufacturer Made Possible Thanks to Cross-Industry Expertise

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The Challenge

Changing political winds in the renewable energy industry have led to a consolidation in the sector that is creating huge challenges for OEMs and suppliers. In order to remain competitive, companies that are active in the market must be able to develop specific solutions as quickly as possible. For this reason, it is necessary to make product development processes even more efficient and effective – especially by integrating the downstream areas in the early development phases.

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The Approach

In order to achieve increases in efficiency and effectiveness in the product development processes of a large wind turbine manufacturer, we turned our focus to the use of PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) solutions. As a further development of pure PDM (Product Data Management) applications, PLM systems make it possible to define and test assembly and service processes in advance by means of digital mock-up solutions (“digital twins”) that enable the increased use of “simultaneous engineering”.

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Benefits for Our Customers

When switching to PLM software, we act as an intermediary party between software development, implementation and users, accompanying the project through all its phases. Our clients benefit in particular from our many years of experience with PLM systems in the automotive industry, which allows us to introduce PLM in a significantly shorter period of time and at lower costs.

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